What Goes in Must Come Out
By Dr. Aleks Radojcic

Though we may not talk about it in polite society, balance in your bowel is vital to your health. And this doesn't simply imply taking a trip to the loo.

The balance between the rate you assimilate nutrients (digest your food) and the rate you eliminate toxins from your system (through feces, skin, mucus) is critical. At the root of all mankind's diseases are two things: nutritional deficiency and excess levels of toxins. With these problems comes excess sodium levels, which can cause a deficiency in potassium, an overburdened liver, a toxic bowel, a sluggish pancreas, and poor functioning of the immune system.
Medical science complicates the issue by offering complex solutions for thousands of different diseases, based on symptoms. Billions of our dollars are spent annually treating the symptoms of these diseases without truly addressing their underlying causes.

"The cell is immortal" said Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Alexis Carrel, after observing that all living cells produce waste material, which if allowed to accumulate, causes the cell to age and die. If waste is regularly flushed out and the cells are re-hydrated and nourished, they retain their vibrancy indefinitely.

Your Bowel

The large intestine consists of a large membranous tube about five feet in length the great sewer? of the body. Nature intends sewage to be removed speedily, but in modern society, this is not always convenient, so people often postpone nature's calls. This may not seem particularly calamitous, however, making this a habit causes grave consequences. Eventually, the bowel gets tired of calling for attention to the matter, and goes off to attend to its numerous other duties. Our failure to allow the free passage of waste matter from the bowel results in constipation, which is the source of innumerable diseases. The walls of the bowel are often encrusted with impacted waste matter, some of which has been there for many days to create a breeding place for yeast, worms and parasites.

What are the signs of poor bowel function?

Constipation, diarrhoea, gas, bloating, headaches, fever, sore throat, lack of energy, psoriases and eczema, food sensitivities, rectal itching and bleeding, parasites, hemorrhoids, prostate problems, diverticulosis, ulcerative colitis, appendicitis, weight gain and Crohn's disease may all indicate poor bowel function.

How do you know if your bowel is functioning properly?

First of all, by being free of any of the above mentioned symptoms. Second, by consistently and effortlessly having two well formed bowel movements per day (morning and afternoon). Still, having one, two, three or even four bowel movements per day is no guarantee your bowel is functioning normally. The reason someone may have so many bowel movements is that their colon has collapsed and broken down to the point where the opening is nothing more than a tiny hole. Such people must have many movements just to get the material through. One autopsy revealed a distended colon nine inches in diameter, yet with a passageway no thicker than a common wood pencil. Another autopsy revealed a colon weighing 44 pounds (due to its contents). These situations are increasingly common and point to the reality that poor elimination is rampant in our society.

Why is the public not informed about bowel health? Why don't parents teach their children about it?

Much like sex, bowel movements have always been considered a taboo subject. There is no more fundamental programming than that of toilet training. For children, a positive toilet training experience is consistent with reality, because bowel movements do feel good. Parents rarely ask, "How many bowel movements have you had today?" Instead parents rely on their family doctor to educate their children. In the past, medical doctors have scoffed at the notion that two proper bowel movements a day were a sign of good health. Mistakenly, the doctors of our day consider one bowel movement per day or every second day to be within the normal range. Today in the United States, the second leading cause of death from cancer is colorectal cancer, which takes 100,000 lives every year. In western countries, colorectal cancer accounts for the most new cancer cases each year, with the sole exception of lung cancer.

What causes poor elimination, bowel pockets and thinning of the intestinal wall?

The above mentioned symptoms are caused by malnutrition, poor digestion and assimilation of nutrients, lack of pure water intake (8 glasses a day), eating late at night, environmental toxins and heavy metals, overuse of antibiotics, parasites, lack of exercise, lack of preventive inner body cleanses and stress-inducing mental attitudes such as resentment and anger.

Can anything be done to bring your system back into balance?

Yes! First, you have to change poor eating habits. Did you know that McDonalds distributes more toys per year than Toys-R-Us, while feeding more than 46 million people a day? This gives you a hint as to why 60 percent of all Americans are overweight. The second thing you can do to regain some balance is to start a good bowel-cleansing program.

What does a good bowel cleansing program consist of?

A good bowel cleansing program should consist of fibre, bulking agents and herbs traditionally used for their laxative, antifungal and de-worming properties.

How long should someone be on bowel cleansing program?

The optimum guideline would be until they have achieved and maintained two good bowel movements per day. Take your time! It is better to depend on herbal laxatives or bulking agents for a limited time than it is to allow dangerous toxins to remain glued to the bowel wall. In instances of chronic bowel problems, using an herbal maintenance program for a period of six months or so may be necessary, under the direction of a professional practitioner.

What else can be done to improve bowel function?

Exercise (i.e. walking, bicycling and squatting).

Incorporate potassium and chlorophyll into your system.

Take freshly squeezed juices daily (especially carrot with apple and greens with some apple).

Whether you're suffering from a chronic condition or thinking about prevention, consider a coffee enema. Enemas have a long history. Today coffee enemas and high enemas are part of many well-known holistic clinics around the world.

After achieving better bowel function, what's next?

The entire intestinal tract now needs to be replenished with probiotics, a combination of beneficial intestinal flora consisting of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaris, Bifido bacterium bifidum and F.O.S. (fructo-oligosachharides). In your diet, practice the rainbow approach and eat a variety of fresh, colourful and organically grown foods: fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and legumes. For non-vegetarians, eat additional proteins like wild fish (i.e. salmon, anchovies, sardines), organic chicken, game and eggs.

And, of course, in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of life, relax and be open to allowing your body its natural and vital functions. This will also enable you to experience the positive energy you have inside.


B. Jehnsen, D.C., N.D. – Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, B. Jensen Enterprises 1981. N. W. Walker D.Sc., Colon Health, O’Sullivan Woodside & Company, 1979 N. W. Walker D.Sc., Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices, Norwalk Press, 1970 A. Radojcic.-Back to Your Health-Easy as One, Two, Three, Sohan Publications, 2004 Max Gerson, M.D., A “Cancer Therapy-Results of 50 Cases� www.gerson.org

Dr. Aleks Radojcic

Aleks Radojcic, Dr. Ac., B.Sc., R.N.C.P., has a clinical practice in Toronto. He practices acupuncture, iridology, pranic energy healing, nutritional counseling, herbs, homeopathy, research and formulations.

This article has appeared in, and is supplied courtesy of  VISTA Magazine

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