California Walnut Streusel Apple Pie

This walnut-apple pie has a streusel topping that makes this dessert extraordinary. Serve alone or accompanied with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, custard or a sliver of aged cheddar.


Streusel topping:
1 cup old fashioned oats 250 mL
1 cup roughly chopped California Walnuts 250 mL
1/4 cup brown sugar 50 mL
2 tbsp all-purpose flour 30 mL
1 tsp each ground cinnamon and ginger 5 mL
1/2 cup butter, melted 125 mL


8 cups thinly sliced apples (Golden Delicious or Northern Spy) 1.5 L
1/2 cup granulated sugar 125 mL
2 tbsp lemon juice 30 mL
1 tsp each ground cinnamon and ginger 5 mL
1 9-inch (2.5 L) deep dish prepared pie crust 1

In bowl, use a fork to mix together oats, walnuts, brown sugar, flour, cinnamon and ginger. Drizzle with butter and combine to form a coarse crumb mixture. Set aside.

In bowl, toss apples with sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon and ginger.

Arrange apples in prepared pie crust. Sprinkle walnut streusel over top, completely covering the apples.

Bake pie on a baking sheet, covered loosely with foil in centre of a 375°F (190°C) oven for 50 minutes. Remove foil and bake until streusel is golden and apples are tender, about 10 minutes more. Let sit 15 minutes before serving warm.

Makes 6 to 8 servings.

Source: The California Walnut Commission –

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