(NC)-This easy marinade brings out the best in flavour and texture of this practical cut of meat. Pair with a glass of red Zinfandel to enhance the spice and showcase the wine's characteristics.


1 1 / 2 lb - trimmed flank steak
2 C - red Zinfandel wine
1 / 2 C - honey
2 Tbsp - chopped garlic
1 Tbsp - Black pepper
2 Tbsp - chili powder
1 Tbsp - salt

In medium bowl, combine wine, honey, garlic and spices, pour over Flank Steak and marinate for 2 hours. Grill over medium high heat for 3-4 minutes on each side for medium rare. Cook to desired temperature and thinly slice.

Source: Mills Family Farms web site

Courtesy of  News Canada

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(NC)—With the cost of food on the rise, there's no better time to start growing your own organic herbs, fruits and vegetables. The best part about incorporating edible items into the garden (aside from the taste and health benefits) is that you don't need to be an avid gardener or have a large garden space to get started.

Herbs and vegetables can easily be grown right in your backyard garden or in containers on your patio or balcony. Certain items such as tomatoes come in a variety of vibrant colours and when mixed in with traditional flowers and plants, make for breathtaking displays.
