Roasted lamb
Preparation time: 30 min
Cooking time: 3 hours 15 min
Serves 6 persons

450g French beans
25g butter
1 chopped onion
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 leg of lamb (2.3kg)
20 small rosemary twigs
3 thinly sliced garlic cloves
1 glass semidry red wine
450g string beans (heads and tails removed)

- Soak French beans in water for 12-24 hours. Move it to the saucepan and cover with fresh water. Add a pinch of salt and boil for 1.5 hours or until they become soft. Drain the water.

- Heat the oven to 190°C. Melt the butter in a saucepan and brown the onion. Add tomato paste, French beans and stir gently.

- Remove the skin and excess of fat from the leg of lamb. Make small cuts with a tip of a knife (approximately 2.5 cm from each other) and stuff them with garlic and rosemary twigs. Put the meat on a baking tray, pour the wine over it and roast for 1.5 hours.

- Move the meat to the serving dish, making sure it remains warm all the time. Boil string beans in slightly salty water for 6 minutes. Drain the water.

- Mix warmed French beans and mix them with string beans. Put the beans around the lamb and serve.

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