Dishwashing Equipment and Suppliers
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Dishwashing Equipment and Suppliers

What do you recon one of the most important features of a successful restaurant is? Quality of food is surely important as well as service. However, would you enjoy a really good food which has been gracefully served to you on a dirty plate alongside the dirty cutlery? Probably not. The lack of hygiene can not only spoil the experience, but also be dangerous for one’s health. Thus if you want your restaurant, café or eatery to prosper, make sure you use a reliable dishwashing equipment. There are a few important factors that you have to consider when choosing a commercial dishwasher for your business.

It is vital that you calculate the number of dishes to be washed. You have to mind that the volume is larger at peak hours. It is also wise to account for future growth, because the dishwasher is likely to serve you for at least 4-5 years. And it is important to understand that buying the dishwasher that is too big for your business will lead to unnecessary waste of water because the dish racks will be going through washing half empty.

Once you have calculated the volume of daily washing, you can decide on the type of a dishwasher. Undercounter machines are relatively small and can handle up to 35 racks per hour. Some of them wash 17-21 racks per hour and they are suitable for small bars and taverns, which rarely serve more than 90-100 meals per day. Door type washers are larger than the undercounter ones. They can manage up to 150 racks per hour and are used in majority of restaurants. Conveyor and flight washers are designed for particularly high volumes of washing. They can handle up to 400 racks per hour. In the conveyor washers the racks move on a continuous conveyor taking the dishes through various washing cycles. Flight washers can wash as many as 24,000 dishes per hour, which is truly impressive.

As soon as the appropriate type of dishwasher has been picked, one has to remember that not all items in the kitchen are suitable for dishwashers. That is why you might want to acquire some additional equipment. Lead crystal, for instance, should not be washed in a dishwasher, because it will go ‘cloudy’. Aluminum items, on the other hand, will be discolored if washed in a dishwasher. Dishes that are soiled by wax or cigarette ash or other substances that may affect the entire load are unsuitable for dishwasher either.

It’s not only about the type of dishwasher you have to consider, but the area where it is placed too. The dishwashing area should have good ventilation not only for the sake of the dishwasher itself, but for the sake of your staff as well. High humidity may affect the drying cycle of the dishwasher, so the dishes will come out not dry enough. Ventilation will help to remove steam and excess of heat in the kitchen. However, ventilation that is too powerful can remove the heat required for the drying cycle and make drying ineffective. That is why it is important to find a balance here. Noise isolation is also a good thing for the area where dishwasher is placed, because dishwashers tend to be relatively noisy.

The guidelines listed here make up only a short guide to choosing an appropriate commercial dishwasher for your business. There are more factors to consider and they are specific to different areas and types of businesses. In addition, energy efficiency and saving water are very important as well.

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