Keeping stomach healthy at Christmas

Keeping stomach healthy at Christmas

In the midst of the Christmas holiday season all the parties and arrangements invariable seem to lead to more eating and drinking than usual. For those who have weak stomach, Christmas is always a major stress and even for those who are perfectly healthy extra demands on the digestive system cannot go unnoticed. However, there are several that might help to keep your stomach working while you enjoy the festivities.

1) Do not starve yourself
Try to treat Christmas as any regular day in terms of food consumption. Do not starve yourself during the day in order to “save a place” for Christmas dinner. Starting a feast on an empty stomach is nearly always a guarantee of overeating and as a consequence discomfort and upset stomach.

2) Drink water
Drinking water regularly throughout the day is a good habit to get into generally and at Christmas particularly. A glass of water half an hour before dinner will help to dilute acid and flush toxins out. It will also help the organs to circulate nutrients more effectively.

3) Combine foods wisely
Very often the stomach stars to rebel against us not only because the quantities of the consumed food, but because at Christmas we often mix foods that we usually do not. Due to this, thinking about the combinations of food you are having is a good way to help your stomach work through the holiday season. Everybody knows that fruits are good for you. However, it is unwise to eat them at dinner. Fruits are very likely to ferment and create gasses and bloating. Wait until at least an hour after the main course and they will do you more good. Nuts go well with dried fruit, but not together with meat and grains.

4) Avoid fizzy drinks
Fizzy drinks is a major blast for your stomach which most of the time leads to gas formation, especially when combined with rich fatty food. If there is no way to avoid them, reduce the amount by replace them with water (better still than sparkling), tea or coffee and your stomach will say “Thanks!”.

5) Alcohol
Christmas does not seem to exist without even the smallest amount of alcohol. All delicious dishes are accompanied by alcohol for better taste. However, trying to control your intake of alcohol is a good idea if you want to keep your stomach in working condition after the holidays. This does not mean you have to eliminate all alcohol. Red or white wine compliments food very well and it is better for your health than many other types of alcohol. Wine can actually improve digestion without harming your liver. However, don’t push it with the wine either!

6) Desserts
There are very few people who do not love Christmas desserts. However, nobody likes calories in those desserts. Low calories fruit dessert might become a solution here. They can be as delicious as the regular ones, but cause less stress for your stomach and your peace of mind about all those fats and calories.

7) Exercise
It’s always a good idea to alternate the feast with some physical activity. After the Christmas dinner, go ice skating or go out and play in the snow. This way you can be sure that extra calories are not a threat.

8) Get plenty of rest
This little tip here is not related to food directly and yet it will help a lot. Aim for at least eight hours of sleep every night during the holiday season. You don’t have to go every party you are invited to, so if you feel like you need some extra sleep time, try your best to have it. Staying well rested during the Christmas season goes a long way towards keeping you healthy.

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(NC)—For the 3 million Canadians who have diabetes, it can be a challenge to eat right and control blood glucose levels. Those who have recently been diagnosed with the disease must also learn new dietary habits and pay much closer attention to factors like alcohol intake, vegetarianism and the food they eat when they are away from home. Here are a few recommendations that may help you in this regard.