Jackson-Triggs Niagara Estate Winery

Jackson-Triggs Niagara Estate Winery

Jackson-Triggs Niagara Estate Winery

Address: 2145 Regional Road 55,
Niagara On The Lake, ON, L0S 1J0, Canada
Phone: (905) 468-4637 or 1-866 589-4637
Fax: (905) 468-4637
The state-of-the-art Jackson-Triggs Niagara Estate Winery is a perfect balance of modern winemaking technology and passion deeply rooted in tradition. Guests are invited to sample wines at the Reserve Tasting Bar, The Tasting Gallery and visit The Winery Boutique.

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(NC)—With the cost of food on the rise, there's no better time to start growing your own organic herbs, fruits and vegetables. The best part about incorporating edible items into the garden (aside from the taste and health benefits) is that you don't need to be an avid gardener or have a large garden space to get started.

Herbs and vegetables can easily be grown right in your backyard garden or in containers on your patio or balcony. Certain items such as tomatoes come in a variety of vibrant colours and when mixed in with traditional flowers and plants, make for breathtaking displays.
