Lakes of Muskoka Cottage Brewery winery

Lakes of Muskoka Cottage Brewery winery

Lakes of Muskoka Cottage Brewery

Address: 13 Taylor Rd.,
Bracebridge, ON, P1L 1S6, Canada
Phone: (416) 991-8562 or 1-800-881-4229
Fax: (705) 646-8761
You don't take on the name "Muskoka" without making a special commitment to quality and tradition.
Muskoka Cottage Brewery's vision statement: "To be the premier Canadian craft brewery bydeveloping an innovative and successful blend of financial,environmental and social performance.
"We optimize modern efficiency and quality control techniques to ensure the superior freshness and consistency of our Muskoka beer.
At the same time, we maintain the time-honoured traditions od the brewer's craft -- brewing basics that have not changed in centuries and have never gone out of style.
Using the best ingredients, never rushing the aging process and celebrating the simple magic of making beer are what it's all about.
Compare the wholesome qualities of our district with our beer: Pristine forests, crystal clear lakes, rugged rock outcrops.
The same pure water and sweet Northern air that have drawn generations to Muskoka are infused in our beer, lending a unique, natural character to the final brew.

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(NC)—For the 3 million Canadians who have diabetes, it can be a challenge to eat right and control blood glucose levels. Those who have recently been diagnosed with the disease must also learn new dietary habits and pay much closer attention to factors like alcohol intake, vegetarianism and the food they eat when they are away from home. Here are a few recommendations that may help you in this regard.