Pelee Island Winery

Pelee Island Winery

Pelee Island Winery

Address: 455 Seacliff Drive (county Road #20),
Kingsville, ON, N9Y 2K5, Canada
Phone: (519) 733-6551 or 1-800-597-3533
Fax: (519) 733-6553
Tour the mainland winery production facilities and sample wines made from grapes grown in Pelle Island vineyards. Enjoy special events and theme dinners throughout the year. The cellar Door and Gift Shop offer wines and gift ideas.

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(NC)—You may experience the following symptoms after eating because you lack the proper amount of enzymes in your system:

• Gas
• Bloating
• Sleepiness or fatigue
• Heartburn
• Acid reflux
• Nausea