Cherry Point Vineyard winery

Cherry Point Vineyard winery

Cherry Point Vineyard

Address: 840 Cherry Point Road, RR# 3,
Cobble Hill, BC, V0R 1L0, Canada
Phone: (250) 743-1272 or 1-866-395-5252
Fax: (250) 743-1059
Cherry point was purchased in 2003 by the Cowichan Tribes making it the second winery owned by First Nations. Cherry Point Vineyards was established in 1990, and was licensed as a farm winery in 1994. Situated on a gravelly glacial deposit in the Cowichan valley, our terroir has been compared to the best of the Alsace and Chablis locations. Owners Wayne and Helena Ulrich have a unique picturesque spot for their vineyard near Cobble Hill. The winery has produced a 2000 Reserve Agria. Agria is an early ripening red grape that has been developed on the Island. A number of government research projects are carried out at Cherry Point to find the best grapes for the Island.

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